The Journey From Student to Model Presenter Rosie Tapner is a successful presenter and previous model with a love of home and the countryside. She has presented the After Hours show for Jockey Club Racecourses, worked for both Ascot and Goodwood TV as well as Sky...
In the realm of luxury interiors, few names command as much reverence as de Gournay, the global brand renowned for its enchanting hand-painted wallpapers and silk fabrics. Behind the captivating beauty that adorns the walls of discerning clients worldwide lies a...
Oliver Gerrish is an architectural historian, bespoke tour organiser and building consultant. A graduate of the University of Cambridge, he is an expert in architectural preservation and research. In 2002 Oliver re-founded the dormant Young Georgians and led it...
Silvy Weatherall on art, interiors and the beauty to be found in waste. Silvy Weatherall is an artist of international acclaim, employing a diverse array of media in her artistic pursuits, with her work distinguished by the selection of materials she uses in her...